CRRI Recruitment 2013 – Various Vacancies
CRRI Recruitment 2013 – Various Vacancies: Central Rice Research Institute has invited applications for the recruitment of 01Subject Matter Specialist, 01 Driver posts under the administrative control of Indian Council of Agricultural Research,New Delhi. Eligible candidates may send their applications with necessary documents with in 45 days from the date of publication of the advertisement. Other details like no. of vacancies, age limit, selection process, educational qualification, how to apply and application fee are given below…
CRRI Recruitment Vacancy Details:
Total No, of Vacancies: 02
Names of Posts:
1. Subject Matter Specialist T-6 (Animal Science): 01 post
2. T-1 (Driver): 01 post
Age Limit: Candidates upper age limit should be between 21-35 years for Subject Matter Specialist Post, 18-30 years for T-1 (Driver) post as on 01-01-2012. Age relaxation will be applicable as per the rules.
Educational Qualification: Candidates should possess Master’s Degree in Agriculture or any other branch of Science / Social Science relevant to Agriculture or equivalent qualification from a recognized university for Subject Matter Specialist post, Matriculation pass from a recognized board and possession of a valid and appropriate driving license from prescribed Govt. Authority for the post of T-6 (Driver).
Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on the performance in test / interview.
Application Fee: Candidates should pay a fee of Rs.100/- (Rupees one hundred only) in the form of demand draft drawn on any bank in favour of Director, CRRI payable atCuttack. No fee for SC / ST/ PH / Ex-Servicemen / Women candidates. The application fee is non refundable.
How to Apply: Eligible candidates may send their applications (Bio-data neatly typed / hand written with signature) according to the columns as mentioned in the notification and other relevant information with attested copy of the certificate and other relevant certificates and recent passport size photograph duly signed by the applicant and attested by the gazetted officer must affix at the top right corner of the application by super scribing as “Application for the post of___” in bold letters to The Director, Central Rice Research Institute, Cuttack-753006 (Odisha) with in 45 days from date of publication of the advertisement.
Important Dates:
Last Date for Receipt of Applications: with in 45 days from date of publication of the Advt
Employment News Paper Date: 02 to 08-02-2013
For more details regarding age limit, educational qualifications, selection process, how to apply and application fee and other, click on the following link…
Click here for CRRI Recruitment Advt
Tags:Central Govt. Jobs, CRRI jobs
11:52 AM | Labels: Recruitment, Vacancies, Various |
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