Vacancies for various posts in Gujarat Ecological Education & Research (GEER) Foundation, Apply Now – January 2013


Gujarat Ecological Education & Research (GEER) Foundation, Gandhinagar invites applications (fifth attempt) for the following posts under the World Bank funded India Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) Project to be implemented in the Gulf of Kutch/ Khambhat region. Interested and eligible candidates may send their application in a prescribed form with latest Curriculum-Vitae, covering letter, photocopies of mark sheets, credentials & age proof within 30 days from the date of advertisement to The Director, GEER Foundation, Indroda Nature Park, P.O.Sector-7, Gandhinagar, 382 007, Gujarat

1. Laboratory Superintendent: 01 post
2. Research Associate: 02 posts
3. Statistician/Analyst: 01 post
4. Junior Research Fellow (JRF): 05 posts
5. Technical Assistant: 14 posts
6. Laboratory Technician: 01 post
7. Laboratory Assistant: 07 posts

Last date of receipt of application : Within 30 days from the date of publication of advertisement

For complete advertisement visit :

For application form visit :